Content Marketing Lessons from the Rockettes

What do high kicks and content marketing have in common? They are both masterfully executed by The Radio City Rockettes. While most of us can’t duplicate the stellar quality of those high kicks, we can emulate their content marketing performance.

Blogs That Leap Off The Page

The Rockettes’ blog posts speak directly to their audiences about topics fans are genuinely interested in. The Rockettes’ blog chronicles everything from the tryout process to celebrating successful women to how to be a good teammate. Their excellent original content gives audiences a peek behind the curtain and shows what it’s really like to be a Rockette.

They also use curated content to jazz up their posts and add some variety. The dancer of the week series is a delightful addition to their blog, highlighting dance videos from across the internet.

Videos That Dazzle

If you want engagement, you have to have video and, boy, do the Rockettes have video! In just four years, they’ve posted more than 360 videos on their YouTube channel covering everything from auditions to hairpieces to staging. If there’s something you’d like to know about the Rockettes, it’s probably somewhere in their extensive video library.

More importantly, they share their videos across all of their content channels, including social media and their website, to maximize reach.

Jazzy Social Media Presence

With more than 151,000 Instagram followers and almost 1.4 million likes on Facebook, you know the Rockettes are doing something right when it comes to social content. They post consistently and the content ranges from promoting blog posts to dancer of the week videos. (Sound familiar? Repurposing content from your blog for social is definitely a best practice to drive traffic back to your website!) Their recurring content series gets social media users coming back for their favorite content week after week with hashtags like #MotivationMonday, #1line36individuals and #tbt.One thing you won’t see on the Rockettes’ social channels: blatant self-promotion and repeated sales pitches. They let their content stand on its own to convince audiences to buy tickets or become a Rockette without annoying, hard sales messages.

Make Your Content A Dancing Queen

You might be thinking that your company or industry is nowhere near as exciting as the Rockettes. And while that could be true, it doesn’t mean that your content can’t be engaging! Just remember to focus on your audience and answer these questions:

  • What does your audience want to know about your company or industry?
  • What behind-the-scenes content would your audience find interesting?
  • Who or what does your audience care about within your company or industry?
  • What curated content can you use that your audience will find interesting?

Every organization has the potential to generate content that engages its audience by creating and curating content that speaks to them.

Do you want your content shine like the Rockettes but don’t know where to start? Let us help you kick it up a notch.