How NOT to Blog

If the idea of forcing yourself to write an article or blog post every week sounds like pure torture, you're not alone (even the word "blogging" sounds awful). We get it - blogging is hard. But it's also a critical part of any modern strategic communications program. If you know you need to be blogging to jump start your business, but you're not sure exactly how to start, we've got you covered. Here are three classic examples of how NOT to blog:

  1. Create a page on your website that says "Blog Coming Soon." Admit it - you've seen websites that have done this and felt a tinge of envy. The second you publish that page, you can sit back and relax. The pressure is off! No need to work on content calendars, blog topic lists or posting schedules right away. You can leave this up on your website for at least a year before people start asking questions.
  1. Change your "Blog" nav bar tab to "Articles." This is a pro-level move. If you call the articles section on your website a blog, then people will expect frequent content. If you call it "Articles," then surely posting once or twice a year - or quarterly if you're an over-achiever - should suffice. After all, there's no time limit on articles.
  1. Just give up. If you already have a blog, and you're wishing you never started, just quit. Don't bother posting some long, drawn-out goodbye - just stop writing. Take the "Blog" tab off your website's nav bar. Stop linking to those old posts. Let it all die away and join the land of forgotten blogs.

*HINT: Don't actually do any of these things! If you feel yourself falling into any of the above traps, remember that blogging regularly can be a challenge, but it's also essential for online visibility.Need a refresher on why blogging is important for your business? Or help developing strategic communications content - including a blog that is updated regularly? Give us a call.