Meet Our Newest Account Manager

A Q&A with Sarah Stewart

Meet Sarah Stewart, our newest Account Manager at Slide Nine! Sarah brings with her a wealth of experience working in-house within the hospitality and construction industries and we are thrilled to have her on board. Fun fact, she's also the third Sarah to join our team! Keep reading to learn more about Sarah and the the skills and knowledge she is bringing to our team.

Q: What brings you joy at work? What inspires you?

A: Working with an engaged team inspires me and brings me joy.

Q: What drew you to the communications field? 

A: I began my career out of college in the hospitality industry and quickly transitioned into a communications role. I enjoyed telling the brand’s stories and I loved sharing all the good things I saw the team working on with the public and internally. Watching an idea blossom into a brand identifier and seeing all the work and problem-solving that went into making the idea reality was motivating to make the storytelling captivating. 

Q: How do you approach creating a memorable client experience?

A: I am transitioning from 10 years of working on an in-house communication team to an agency. My most memorable experience from working with an agency was when they truly felt an extension of our team. They may have been working outside our office, but we were working towards the same goal. They asked good questions, made our team think differently, and celebrated every success with us while being by our side for every challenge. I hope to be that for every client I get the pleasure of working with at Slide Nine. 


Q: You’ve had some fascinating experiences before joining Slide Nine, including working in the hospitality and construction industries.  What were those experiences like?

A: Working on the communications team for a major hotel brand, I gained experience creating consumer marketing strategies, being nimble through crises, and working on brand launches. I also got to travel a lot and truly experience the hospitality industry! While in the construction industry, I worked with a company experiencing immense growth. I worked on significant business operation changes like acquisitions and private equity investments. The experiences in both industries differed; however, the core business goal was to deliver the best experience for the guests and customers. 

Q: What trends are you keeping an eye on throughout 2023? 

A: Coming from the corporate and in-house setting, I see internal and external communications join forces. Employees are speaking up and want to work for a company that reflects their values and beliefs. Sharing the employees behind product launches or brand positions humanizes the brand and shows the passion for their work. Employees who are proud of their workplace are our internal influencers and guide the future of business. 

Q: What’s the biggest win or most exciting work you’ve done throughout your career?

A: There is something special about working on any corporate responsibility projects. I have gotten the privilege to work with several national and local nonprofits and efforts that impact the industries I worked in. Whether working with the Red Cross after a hurricane made landfall in the hospitality industry or donating materials and labor to veterans and people in need in the construction industry, corporations can do so much good out there. I think it is great to share those stories to inspire more altruism in the business world. When you are doing good in the world, it always feels like a win!

Q: What tools/websites do you use to keep up with the latest trends and news?

A: I prioritize listening to a daily podcast in the morning when I am getting ready for my day (Up First is my current favorite!). If my work day is busy, I have a minimum knowledge of what is happening in the world. I also love watching the BBC! I like getting a different perspective on world news.

Q: What are you listening to while focusing on getting work done? 

A: I am usually listening to instrumental movie scores. My Spotify Wrapped is a little dull from usually clocking 40 hours of instrumental music every week.