Podcasting Pro Tips for Thought Leaders On the Go

Senior Account Executive, Kat Ricketts shares some helpful insights on Podcasting

By: Kat Ricketts

It’s no secret that modern media is shifting — what worked 10 years ago isn’t the same as what’s working today — and being PR professionals, we need to constantly adapt to the latest trends and platforms. As print circulation continues to dwindle and consumer preferences shift toward more mobile methods of obtaining information, traditional words on a page just aren’t cutting it. So what’s the solution? One of the most popular formats where we’re seeing success: podcasts, podcasts, podcasts. 

With over 100 million active listeners in the U.S. alone, this is unsurprising. Podcasts allow you to keep up with the news and your areas of interest while also giving you the freedom to multitask (you can catch me listening to true crime while I make dinner), making them a convenient option for when you’re too busy to sit down with a newspaper, watch TV or scroll through Twitter. For this same reason, they’re also a great way to reach broad audiences and niche communities, either by pitching thought leaders as guests to other shows or by establishing your own. We’ve counseled our clients through both and have compiled our best advice for securing coverage in this pod-pro-quo media landscape.

Establishing Your Own Podcast

Creating a podcast takes a lot of time and effort, but the following key steps can make the process a little smoother.

  • Define and Outline: Before you grab a mic and start recording, it’s important to decide what your podcast is about and who it’s for. Start by identifying the target audience that you want to influence and then determine what value you can provide them. From there, you can bullet out overarching themes, brainstorm potential episodes and set a cadence that’s realistic for you.
  • Plan Promotion: Once you’ve outlined your show, it’s time to think about how you will share it. In order to build your following, you’ll need to promote your podcast outside of just posting it on a streaming platform. Consider creating branded social media profiles and encouraging your listeners to write reviews.
  • Check the Tech: There is no podcast without sufficient equipment, and quality is paramount. Listeners expect an audio experience that is clean and crisp, so be sure to research and invest in not only a good microphone but also professional recording and editing software. 

Podcast Guesting

In many ways, appearing as a guest on a podcast is similar to participating in a media interview, but there are a few specific nuances you’ll want to keep in mind for when you get that guest invite.

  • Just as you would read a reporter’s latest articles, listen to recent episodes to gain a better understanding of the pace and flow as well as subject matter.
  • Practice high-level talking points in advance, but don’t prepare a full speech. You don’t want to sound scripted or overly rehearsed, especially since people will be listening to (rather than reading) the content.
  • Use the host’s name and be conversational. Allow pauses between dialogue to make the editor’s job easier.

Additional Tips

Lastly, whether you are the host or the guest, here are a few final best practices to remember to ensure you nail each episode.  

  • Limit distractions and find a quiet place to record. Turn your phone off and silence notifications on your computer.
  • Keep your voice clear by drinking plenty of water before and during the recording and avoid caffeine or dairy for at least an hour prior.
  • Cover hard surfaces in the recording area with a towel and close curtains to prevent echoes.

Podcasts are a fun and refreshing way to elevate thought leaders and get your voice into key conversations. To listen to an example of a well-executed show, I highly recommend tuning in to The Skill Set by our client, OFS. If you're eager to explore the world of podcasting further but aren’t sure where to start, don't hesitate to contact our team.

Happy podcasting!