The Future of Social Media and AI

It’s no surprise that technology is completely changing how we engage with an online audience. From updates on social media platforms to marketing strategies shaped by big data, the world of communication is constantly adapting to advances in technology.

Perhaps one of the greatest technological developments impacting digital communications today is artificial intelligence (AI).

What Is AI?

AI focuses on making machines intelligent, capable of solving a wide variety of problems without code pre-written by humans. It quickly combines large sets of data with fast, iterative processing and detailed algorithms, which allow the program to learn from data patterns in real-time. With AI, machines learn from experience, adjust to new inputs and perform human-like tasks.In today’s mobile-centric society, AI has become an integral component of our everyday interactions. Not only does it allow us to direct commands to virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa, but AI also controls what we see online, when we see it and often how we see it. Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram have been quick to implement AI, using it to fuel newsfeeds, content suggestions and data collection.

Next Up, Copywriting

AI has long been able to provide data insights for social media strategy, helping digital creators establish content calendars that are supported by thoughtful, statistical analysis. One of the few places AI hasn’t had direct influence is writing copy. When it comes to putting pen to paper—or fingers to keyboard— copywriting has been created by humans.That is, until now.An innovative tool equipped with AI technology was recently launched by Phrasee, promising AI-generated language at scale for Facebook and Instagram advertising campaigns.  

“We are putting language back where it belongs: at the heart of social campaigns.”

What Does It Mean For Communicators?

Social media provides an enormous volume of user data, detailing consumer preferences, tastes, activities and demographic information. This information is extremely valuable to digital content creators, but it can be difficult to gather and organize.AI algorithms can monitor extensive sets of unstructured data, determine trends and, with Phrasee’s tool, create optimized social media copy unique to a brand’s style and voice. The company’s deep learning model, which falls in the subset of AI, activates thousands of hidden factors to determine which linguistic attributes add to performance.“With this launch,” says Phrasee’s CEO Parry Malm, “we believe we are putting language back where it belongs: at the heart of social campaigns, to drive a better response.”

Does It Actually Work?

Early adopters of the tool have seen improvements in cost efficiencies. Pilot brand Wowcher experienced a 31% reduction in cost-per-lead rates compared to human-generated copy.Using an AI tool to produce smart marketing language also minimizes the time it takes to craft a compelling post, theoretically allowing communicators to devote more time to strategy and creative development.

Like It Or Not, The Future Is Here

With the entire industry waking up to the possibilities of AI for marketing and communication, the future digital capabilities are incredibly exciting. In the past year, there has been a cohesive shift, and many industry leaders are incorporating AI technology in new and innovative systems. Progressions in technology are shaping the entire playing field for social media content creation, and emerging trends are likely to have a lasting impact on functions in the digital sphere.

Guest post by Amanda Peterson, Enlightened Digital