Generational Marketing is a series on working with and marketing to the five primary generations in the US population: the Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials and Generation Z.
America is in a unique position: today's marketplace includes five distinct generations of buyers, each with its own set of values and spending habits. The generations range from nonagenarians (those 90+) born before the Great Depression to teens who have only known a post-9/11 world. Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all marketing plans. It's important to appeal to each age group on their terms through what is known as generational marketing.In its simplest definition, generational marketing is tailoring your marketing efforts to reach a specific generation. For example, the Silent Generation appreciates critical acclaim, such as products backed by the Good Housekeeping seal of approval. On the other hand, Baby Boomers, known for their distrust of authority, prefer peer-based reviews and recommendations such as Angie's List. If your goal is to sell more of your product to consumers in their mid-fifties to late sixties, brandishing a seal of approval may do more harm than good.So, what does this mean for marketers and other professionals? You need to get acquainted with each of the generations and learn what works for them, what doesn't, and why. By becoming more knowledgeable about the different characteristics and preferences of each group, you can more successfully target and appeal to each one. With five generations spanning nearly a hundred years, generational marketing can feel like an overwhelming undertaking - but we're here to help.
This post kicks off a series of blog posts focused on what you need to know to engage each generation in the workplace and appeal to them with your marketing efforts.
We'll share insights in these three areas:
Stay tuned for in-depth insights to the Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials and Generation Z.