Digital Communications: What You Need to Know (part 2)

Digital communications is a top need of marketers - but many don't know where to begin. Here's part two of our two-part primer on digital marketing 101. Be sure to read tips one through five first.

  1. Think about links. Issuing a news release online gets your story in front of more viewers - and creates links back to your website that help search engines and visitors find you. Between online press releases and content optimization around keywords and blogging, there's no end to the ways that PR and SEO work synergistically to create more traffic and potential leads for your business.
  1. Don't neglect social - including paid boosts. Just as the search engines favor traditional media in search rankings, they also weight social media pretty heavily. Thus having good content consistently pushed out on your social channels will assist your SEO efforts and help you get found! Boosting those posts will increase eyes on your content, followers of your page and ultimately get you greater visibility.
  1. Quality, not quantity, content is king. Do you need a blog? Yes. But does it have to be updated daily or every other day? No - focus on high quality content at least once a week, and do more when you can. It's far more important to have quality content attracting visitors to your site than push out content that doesn't reflect well on your brand or company.
  1. Remember that engagement is queen. Don't neglect interaction with your audiences, whether it's on your blog or in your social channels. Two-way conversations are what make social media, well, "social." Be sure you are commenting on others' content and posts at least as often as you are posting yourself. We like the 1-2-3 method - for every one post you put out, like two posts published by others and comment on another three.
  1. Consider an inbound marketing program such as Hubspot to wrap it all up in a nice, neat bow. Hubspot may not be for everyone, but if you're in a business with a long buying cycle that requires research and education, then you may want to look into this all-in-one platform. We like Hubspot for lead generation, contact tracking and all aspects of content marketing management - including keywords, landing pages, results tracking and analysis.

New to digital communications or need help getting your program started? We'd love to help you develop a strategic digital communications program that gets eyes on your content and visitors to your site. Give us a call and let's talk!