Social Media Training Tips

Social media is a constantly changing space. From infant platforms to app upgrades with new features, there's always more to learn about how social can benefit your organization. Here are some social media training tips you can use to create a socially smart organization from top to bottom.

Educate every employee.

As I've mentioned before, it's important to educate all levels of your organization about social media. Outline what channels you're using, and for what purposes. If LinkedIn is identifying new business leads and attracting potential recruits, pass that along. Helping all employees understand how social media relates to the objectives of the whole organization - and how it positively impacts your business - will go a long way in silencing detractors.

Start early.

Integrate your basic social media training into orientation to take advantage of "sponge mode" and ensure that new hires understand your unique approach. This is a great time to identify people with a knack for social media who may be a fit for advanced training. Also, be sure flag new employees who may be good online ambassadors for your organization down the road.Individuals who are new to the company also bring fresh perspective and ideas, which can be an opportunity to learn about other successful social practices that are working for other organizations.

How do you stack up against your competitors online? Find out with a social media audit.

Make advanced training available, but not expected.

Beyond the basics, all employees don't need the same level of training. Everyone should understand what they are and aren't allowed to post from a legal and company policy perspective, but not everyone needs to know how to schedule a tweet.Create an open invitation for advanced training and let people opt-in. Don't force a senior executive with a flip phone to attend a five-day training on how Snapchat stories benefit your brand. Everyone has a different role to play in promoting your company on social media and, for some, that means staying out of the way.

Share your content strategy

If you want employees to play a role in idea generation, make sure to loop them into your content strategy before you ask for input. It's not fun turning down off-base concepts from enthusiastic team members, but it's unfair to expect everyone to intuitively know what is appropriate to feature. If you follow a 50-30-20 rule or only feature content on a few select topics, give examples of how that plays out on your social channels. Clearly show the role that employees outside of communications can play in your larger content and social strategy.

Take advantage of freebies.

There are tons of free training resources on topics ranging from basic set up and adding photos to advertising and using social to grow your email list. With minimal effort, you can identify these resources for employees and make them available as a professional development offering.

Respect boundaries.Show employees how to connect with the organization from their personal accounts, but don't be surprised by low participation. Basic training can be mandatory, but asking employees to promote the company on their own social channels is not. If someone on your team uses Facebook strictly for personal use and isn't comfortable sharing company updates, don't pressure them.